What is Individualized Funding?

Individualized Funding (IF) is a payment option for people served by Community Living BC (CLBC). IF lets you use the money given to you by CLBC to create new, different kinds of services that will support you in your community. With IF the person can be their own Agent or choose a trusted family member or friend to be the Agent. 

The Agent can access the funding in two ways:
  • Agent (person) is employer.
  • Agent can hire & employ staff, or hire a contractor.
  • Agent is able to hire staff as employees or, in certain cases, hire staff as contractors. This is not something you get to choose – it is up to you (or your Microboard if you have one) to make the determination whether or not the Canada Revenue Agency, Employment Standards, and WorkSafe BC would see your staff as contractors or employees. For more information about this topic please connect with your Vela Facilitator and/or attend one of our webinars on this topic.
  • Funds provided directly to the Agent.
  • Funds do not impact the Agent’s personal taxes.
  • May be subject to audits by CLBC.
  • Agency is the employer.
  • Agency can hire & employ staff.
  • Person (Agent) has contract with Agency.
  • Host Agency administers funding.
  • Host Agency submits financial reports to Agent & CLBC every 3 months.

You may also choose to have a Microboard to assist with planning, problem solving, advocacy and monitoring. Vela provides information, support, and guidance for those interested in IF and/or Microboards.  

There is no charge for our services in British Columbia.

Things to Consider

Individualized Funding allows you to arrange and manage your own services. The supports and services delivered through Individualized Funding will allow you to create a service that:

How to Proceed

If you decide to proceed call us and request our assistance. A Vela Mentor will help you with the following (depending on your choice of Direct or Host Agency Funding):